Peter and Alan

Peter and Alan
...added Michael ...

about us...

A gay couple in the suburbs north of Denver, beginning the parenthood journey... good thing we have a long list of resources, physical and virtual, to help us through it!


michael's here

Michael arrived this afternoon with the social worker, and he jumped into Alan's arms.

He is a happy seven-month-old baby (though he is overstimulated and overtired tonight!) who came into our house and our hearts tonight. He has been in foster care for the last two months. He is healthy, and weighs in at seventeen pounds.

Michael has had a few visitors already (people who "just couldn't wait"), and is working on getting himself used to his new home. He's trying to sit up, and he's rolling over... and over... so, we're pretty sure he'll be mobile soon.

By the weekend, hopefully he will be ready to play. Tomorrow, we anticipate he may be a bit grumpy (if he doesn't sleep well tonight)... and Thursday he gets a new round of shots (and he may have a field trip to my office).

We know that you're all anxious to meet our boy... and to welcome him into your lives. We can't wait to share him with you!

Some good news from the Social Worker... looks like birth mom may be willing to give up her parental rights voluntarily, rather than waiting for them to be terminated by the county. That would make Michael's first year with us much more relaxing.

Peter & Alan


  1. Are you kidding me? I need to pay closer attention. I didn't know that this was happening and that, all of a sudden, you are now "Dads". Congratulations! And what a beautiful baby! I am very happy for all of you. Now you're one of us! Welcome to Parenthood.
    Your Friend, m.

  2. This happened crazily, all of a sudden... we've done so much "hurry up and wait" that we expected more of the same once the certification was complete.

    Last night was the first example of why babies need to be cute. The blood-curdling cry at 1:30 am was predictable, but shocking nonetheless.

    Thank you!

    (I have really enjoyed the pictures and narrative about your thoughts on the kids. So much to think about and look for.)


    I am shocked... dads!! WOW!! DADS!!!!!


    He is beautiful and already keeping you on your toes! yay!!!!

